My Project: Battletech classic pewter Locust

Another quick showcase of what I’ve been up to. I was gifted a classic pewter Battletech Locust mech. It was missing its side machineguns but I looked around in my bitz box and found some bitz that looked the part. Radio backpacks off of Wargames Atlantic Death Fields troopers. I glued them on and hoped for the best.

The Locust was already primed and glued to a base. With the old metal base between the legs already glued to the hex base I decided to make a little miliput hill to smooth out the rough edges.

Machineguns freshly added.

And here the Locust is in all its glory.

The little guy has even already gotten some table time.

1 Comment

  1. Marc Petersen says:

    Looks great!

    Liked by 1 person

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