Siege Of Augusta 2024

The Siege Of Augusta is an annual tabletop convention held in Augusta, Georgia. Here’s a quick showcase of the range of miniatures at the event.More

Feudal Imperial Guard by meeveshobby

Regiments of the Imperial Guard come from a huge variety of worlds. The variety in cultures and technology make them an open opportunity for custom thematic conversions. Meeveshobby is working on a regiment that hails from a feudal world, and the results have been very eye catching. The basic troops are made with a combination…More

Exo-suit troopers by GillyMonster18

Exo-suits are fantastic additions to a setting that wants something beefier than traditional armored vests, but not as heavy as full on power armor. The exo-suits have a unique aesthetic that make them well fitting in everything from a cyberpunk setting, to the grimdark of 40k. More

Showcase: Scratch built Warlord Titan by Hamxerious

Big. Stompy. Robots. They are timeless favorites, and an addition that many people want for their tabletop armies. The filter to turning that desire into reality is cost, but it doesn’t have to be. The hobbiest that goes by Hamxerious online has created an entirely scratch built stompy robot from a variety of common materials…More

Showcase: Fallout New Vegas Drive-In theater by Brandon G.

A drive-in motion picture is a great place to take a date, bury a pesky courier, or take you mind off patrolling the Mojave. Brandon G., who goes by the Instagram name GreeneBean0883, has not just scratch built a drive-in, but one that actually lights up to really give a wasteland battlefield or RPG map…More

Showcase: Scratch built bunker by Adrián

Well crafted terrain turns a kitchen table game into an immersive battle. Of the terrain found on a battlefield, a bunker can become the center point of a fight. A welcome strongpoint for holding off waves of attackers, or a stubborn obstacle that needs to be obliterated. Depending on your point of view.More

Showcase: Baneblade Tank by Liam O’Connor

Since the December 1990 publication of White Dwarf #132, there has been a template to create a Baneblade out of cardstock. Liam O’Conner, 35, of Ireland took on the challenge to scratch build such a Baneblade to back up his 327th Catachan troops.More

Showcase: DAKA DAK Orks

The DAKA-DAK is a fierce ork hoard full of towering mechanical walkers and oversized boyz, all sporting the borrowed look of the North Afrika Korps, combined with The Blood Axe clan’s focus on tactics.More